Monday, December 24, 2007

Lucille's Double Whammies

I remember a Christmas I was going to get even with Lucille for playing a joke on me for my birthday. I got a penny and wrapped it up in a big lot of newspapers and put it in a large box. I also bought her another gift, a box with a bar of soap with a rope attached to it. When I put this gift under the tree, I told everybody, "I haven't decided who I want to give it to."

Lucille laughed, "She hasn't decided yet."

When it came time to open the packages, Lucille said, "Well, I know everything in my packages except Sherry's, so I guess I will open it first." When Lucille got the package and started opening it, what surprised me the most was Daddy was more interested in what was in the box then she was. Each and every time she unwrapped a piece of newspaper, and another piece of newspaper was under that, Daddy would laughed that much harder.

Daddy was laughing as hard as he could and then, when she finally got to the penny, she held it up in her hand. When Daddy saw it he laughed so hard I thought for sure he was going to die laughing.

When she finally got her joke over with I said, "Lucille, here is your gift. The one that I said I couldn't decide." She opened it up and there was a very pretty bar of soap on a rope. Daddy liked the other package better. He was still laughing about the other package.

I said, "Dad? did she get a bar of soap?"

Dad said, "No, it was a penny."

Posted by Sherry


Anonymous said...

Meaner is still giving me soap and I still love it. Thanks for the Goody Bag Meaner. It had a lot of things I can really use in it. The boys loved theirs too. Hope everyone is having a great Christmas. Happy Birthday Tinker Bell.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Jeffery Hen

I wish you could be up here enjoying the holidays with us.

Happy Birthday Jeffery

Anonymous said...

Luci was out quite a bit this year on Christmas I am sure she could use all the pennies she could get.