Friday, December 7, 2007

Conversation with Mom and Dad

I called Mom one morning and asked how she was doing?

Mom Well honey, I didn't sleep too good last night.

Me Why do think that is, Mom?

Mom Well honey, your father has to have gravy every Sunday morning for breakfast. He knows he isn't suppose to eat it but he does anyway. I think he is just a plain old Looney Tick.

A few days later I was on the phone with Dad.

Me Dad, Mom says you are a Looney Tick.

Dad #$%^$ I may be a tick, but I sure hain't no %$^#%$ Looney!

Posted by Jeff

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Double Dose
I thought there was a double dose of Looney in the Stalker Clan. Dad just has to get over it.