Sunday, September 28, 2008

Missing Mom and McDonalds

Last week Traci decided it would be a good idea to head for Texas to see if they might be able to get some work for her tree service. She left Cameron with his best friend Ramon and his mom Tammy. He really likes staying with Ramon.

Well, the first day I came home from Kentucky, Jennifer, my friend from work, called to let me know that Cameron's teacher had come by the office looking for me.  She told Jennifer that Cameron had cried for his mom most of the day and he informed her that even his Grandma was out of town in Kentucky. She felt so bad for him and told Jennifer to have me call her.

As soon as I got off the phone with Jennifer I called Cameron at Tammy's house. I asked to speak with Cameron.

Jeff:             "Cameron"
Cameron: "Yes, is that you Grandma?"
Jeff:               "Yes Cameron. Are you okay?"
Cameron: "Yelp, I am doing good. I am outside playing with Ramon."
Jeff:               "Did you have a bad day a school?"
Cameron: "No! I had a good day."
Jeff:               " Did you cry at school today?"
Cameron:  "Oh yeah. I forgot. I only cried when I thought about my mom."
Jeff:                "Do you want me to come and get you and let you stay at my house?"
Cameron:  "No, I want to say at Ramon's. But will you go to McDonalds and get me a hamburger and some fries?"
Jeff:                "Do what?"
Cameron:  "I want a hamburger and some fries."
Jeff:                "Young man, I am not going all the way to Interlachen and then to Hollister to get you a hamburger and fries. And what about everyone else there? Don't you think it would be rude of me just to bring you a hamburger and fries?"
Cameron:  "Well, you can bring some for all of us. "

I spoke with Traci and she is on her way back today. I have a feeling I know where she will be going first after she picks up Cameron. Poor Baby, he was forced to eat homemade meals all week. I should  be so lucky.

Posted by Grandma Jeff


Anonymous said...

He's looking and acting more like his Great Uncle Clyde all the time. Hope Tracy made it home OK and that all is going well.

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed this story. Jennie brought apple dumpling to Lucis and Jim bragged a few times on the way home how good those were. If he lived within 10 miles of Jennie I would never see him. LOL

Anonymous said...

If any of us lived within 50 miles of her, our bellies would be happy all the time. Just like Clydes. If only Randy had that Adkins Gene. He can fix a mean pancake and grits and eggs, but that is where his cooking genes stop. Oh well I guess I can live on pancakes if I have too! Pass the blueberry syrup please.