Wednesday, December 31, 2008


Crystal sent me these photos of her and Amber and some of the kids.  She didn't include a story to go with the pictures but the heading of her email was "Results of Inbreeding...."

Cross-eyed Crystal & Kids


I've been looking at them for several days now and I can't figure out...

They look normal to me.

What's funny about them?  They look normal to me.

Monday, December 29, 2008

Poetry From Amber



Dear Grandpa,

I often wonder why you had to leave us so soon.
It feels like you still had so much to give, so much to do.
I know in my heart that God has a plan.
I just can't believe that your part here had to end.
I guess to us you seemed more than a man,
more than a person, more than a plan.

I have to admit I was bitter for a while.
To never feel your hug, hear your laugh, or see your smile.
To think that my children will never hear you sing or hold your soft hand.
It seems to be more than one person can stand.
To watch Grandma go through life without her soul-mate.
The pain, I can imagine, almost too great.

But in these past years I've gone seeking God's face.
And what I found was a great abundance of peace.
He has shown me wisdom beyond my dreams.
He has opened my eyes and shown me things.
And one thing He knew that I needed to see-
That your legacy's still here, even though you can't be.

You are all around, if only we try...
To see the beauty left behind from your life.
In the children that you raised and the wife you loved so.
In the house that you built and the fields that you hoed.
In the smell of gardenias or the color red.
In a new silk shirt or a smooth bald head.

If I listen hard at church, I can hear you sing above the rest.
I see you in my son when he pokes out his little chest.
You are there in the deep brown of my children's eyes.
I even hear you when a night owl cries.
Your humor can be heard in every joke that we tell.
In your clothes Grandma kept, I can still smell your smell.

Sometimes I see your swing sway in the wind.
But I know it's really you there, singing hymns.
I see you in my Dad as he leads Christmas prayer.
It's not just me, Grandad, we all know you're there.
Oh yes, you are there and I'm not mistaken.
Because not all of you went when you were taken.

I love you Grandpa!


Wednesday, December 24, 2008


I remember when I was in the fourth grade, I got a necklace with the ten commandments on it.  If I remember correctly Jeffery got some toy playware.

Joe came in one day and we asked him what did Rita and Darrel got.  Joe said, "She got something that was worth a dollar and traded it for something that was worth only 29 cents."

Mother said, "Gee, oh, Joe!"

We asked him, "What did she get?"

Joe said, "She said she got a bubble gum machine and traded it for some paints. Darrel kept his, he got a coloring book and some crayons."

I said, "When I was in the first grade, that was what I got."

Mother told Joe she didn't know what to think about him letting her do that.  Joe said, "Ah, I just let them do whatever it is they want to."


Tuesday, December 23, 2008


I remember when I was in the first grade, my classroom went into the lunchroom to have lunch. In the middle of the room, opposite the end that had the kitchen, was an aluminum Christmas tree with a round thing that shined three different colors on it. I never seen this kind of tree before and I wanted one to put up in our house. We had a real tree that I didn't think looked pretty.

The next year they put the same Christmas tree up in the lunchroom again. I still wanted one for our house. I remember I came home. We entered the house from the lower side of the house. (I'm guessing we had a big hole there in the front of the house.) When I entered the house, Mother said to Jeffery, "Don't let her see it!" Like it was a surprise.

Mother said, "It's the Christmas tree!"  It was a real tree decorated with lights and items. It wasn't the aluminum tree. I got it on my mind it was never going to be. I was right!


PS: I remember sometime after that we went up to Joe's, their Christmas tree looked like a tree branch decorated. I said to myself, "At least our tree is better looking than theirs."

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Not My Proudest Moment

Uncle Clyde, -  I was trying to think of a fitting name for this story and the only phrase that keeps coming to mind is......."Not my Proudest Moment"

So let me start this story by explaining that  I just got over one of the worst cases of the stomach-flu that I have ever had.  It really kicked my butt for about 3 days.  It left me really dehydrated and weak even days later.  My friend AlvaGayle kept the kids for me for 2 days while Jevon tended to me. (By the way he was great!) 

Anyway, when Jevon went back to work and I got the kids back, it is an understatement to say that I did not feel well.  And Caitlyn was in full whine, scream, cry, pout mode when I took back over on my first day as "Mom".  I was in no mood to deal with her tantrums.  She is usually very calm and pleasant, but not that day. 

I called Mom and referred to Caitlyn as Medusa's Spawn as I vented my frustrations.  Mom told me I should be patient and try to remember that my being sick was probably rough on Caitlyn.  "You're right," I said.  And I couldn't help but think back to the great parenting book, "How to behave so your children will, too!"  It talked about being patient and ignoring some bad behavior and focusing on the positive.  I did try.  But man was she showing her little butt that day. 

Mom suggested I have lunch with her and Grandma in town.  That sounded great since I had to go to town for groceries anyway.  When we left lunch, Mom took Caitlyn so I could do my shopping in peace.  What a blessing! 

After I was done Mom met me and I got Caitlyn back.  She immediately reverted back to Medusa's Spawn.  Her hair turned to snakes and they all screamed and hissed at me at once.  But I kept it together and I stayed calm.  I was doing good.  I was actually proud of myself. 

I only had one more stop to make and then we could go home.  Jevon wanted me to pick up a movie from Blockbuster.  Seemed simple enough.  So Caitlyn and I ran into Blockbuster.  I found the movie with no problem and headed for the check-out.  I sat Caitlyn on the counter as I dug in my pocket and found the last of my cash; a crisp new 10 dollar bill.  The cashier scanned my card and was making small talk with me when I vaguely remember Caitlyn saying, "Hey, thanks!  You found my money grandma gave me," as she took my $10. 

When the cashier rang up the movie he gave me the total and that is when I realized that I no longer had my money.   I checked my pockets in vain and then I remembered that Caitlyn had my money.  So I asked her for it,  "Can mommy have her money, please.  I need to pay for this movie." 

That's when she cupped both her hands over her teensy-tiny midget sweater pocket and furrowed her face and all the snakes in her hair screamed, "NO!  This is my money!" 

Now this is where the story reaches a critical point.  You see, I had a few really mature ways to approach the problem, and under normal circumstances I promise you I would have.  But this was no ordinary day.  Nope.  This camel had had enough and that $10 had just broken my back.

So I went for that tinker-bell sized pocket on her sweater and said, "Give me that MONEY!!"  I pried at her hands with one hand and made finger-tweezers with my other hand as I tried to pry that money out of her insanely small Barbie pocket. 

She screamed, "No, you can't have my money, Mom!  Never!  Never!  Grandma gave it to me!"

Now any rational thinking person would have realized that Grandma had given her some money and maybe if I found it she would realize that she had mine.  But, no.  I was in full blown 3-year old tantrum mode right there with her.  About that time the money somehow made it's way out of the pocket.  I crouched into a football stance, never taking my eyes off that bill.  Caitlyn tossed the $10 behind her back and then from hand to hand.  It was actually quite impressive.  It looked like a basketball move. 

I swayed from left to right still crouching and never talking my eyes off the prize.  The whole time Caitlyn's screaming at the top of her lungs, "You can't have my money, MOM!  NO! NO!"  Then she balled the bill up in her small but surprisingly strong fist and then wrapped her other fist around that one.  It was almost too much for me. 

Somewhere from the depths of the Blockbuster abyss I could hear the author of that parenting book, "What are you doing?  This wasn't in the book.  I am so disappointed."   But I didn't listen.  I managed to pry her outside fist free and then I pried one finger at a time until I caught a glimpse of my $10.  I snatched it with the speed of a cobra!  "AHA!"  I screamed.  I threw the money at the cashier and screamed, "There!" at him. 

His eyes were wide and he said quietly, "Wow!  She really wanted that $10." 

It was then that the embarrassment of what had just happened started to soak in.  "It really was my money," I pleaded.

He raised his eyebrows and threw up his hands like, "Yeah, OK.  Whatever you say Crazy Lady!" 

Caitlyn was sobbing uncontrollably, "MY MONEY!!"  It was only then that I thought to look in her pants pocket... out came a crisp new one dollar bill.  I looked at her and she looked at me.  "Hey, there's my money from Grandma!" she squealed.

Like I said... Not my proudest moment!


Friday, December 5, 2008


December 5, would have been Joe and Wanda's 50th wedding anniversary if they had lived.

I remember Wanda telling me that every time something happens, it always happens on the 5th day of December. One of the happenings was the sow had pigs. I forgot what the other happenings were.


Thursday, December 4, 2008

Calendars for Christmas?

I'm still trying to decide what to give the girls for Christmas this year.  Luci suggested maybe a StalkerClan Calendar.  What do you think?

I'm just not sure I can stand to look at most of the StalkerClan photos for an entire month.

It's getting close to Christmas, I'm going to have to decide something soon.  I guess if I hadn't spent so much time trying to keep this picture on the front page of the StalkerClan, I could have done two or three StalkerClan books by now.  But in my defense, you don't get a photo like this every day.


Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Great Minds

I've heard it said many times that "Great Minds Think Alike".   That has me worried this morning. 

I need to explain:


Matt's birthday was this past Saturday and I found a great birthday card for him.  On the outside it said:


The Card you are holding is made entirely from recycled clothing fabric.

On the inside it continued:


But don't worry.  You can barely see the skid marks. 

Happy Birthday


Matt knew without checking the signature... "This has to be from Dad."

Well, imagine my surprise when I go to the post office on Monday, my birthday, and find that Jeffery has sent me...

The exact same card!


Can you see why I'm worried now?  If it's true that "Great Minds Think Alike," wouldn't that mean "Small Minds Think Alike" is true too?

  • Could I have become senile overnight?
  • Did that aneurysm do a lot more damage than I thought?

I kid you not, this has me worried.


Tuesday, December 2, 2008

New Motivational Poster

Just added this to the Motivational Posters ...

Michelle suggested it in an email a while back.  It took me a while to find the photo.

I can probably do a series of 20 or 30 GLUTTONY posters with the photos I got at our Thanksgiving get-together.   I'll start working on those, after I get a bite to eat.


Monday, December 1, 2008

Making Gift Giving Easy

Yes, that day has rolled around again.  It is the webmaster's birthday.  The little kid with the bow tie turns 59 today.

Fifty Nine, I can't count that high yet.

I know everyone wants to show their appreciation for all the hard work the webmaster has done  this year.  Being the helpful fellow I am, I have made that very easy.  Just go to THIS SITE and enter your Credit Card Information.  I will take it from there.  What could be easier!
