Monday, May 18, 2009

Changing Times

I am in the process of making some changes, mostly minor, to the StalkerClan websites.  You’ll notice some changes in the column on the left side of this page.

Google is discontinuing one of the web applications I have been using for some of the secondary StalkerClan pages and I am moving some of them to other locations.  You may notice some broken links from time to time, especially if you have bookmarked links to these pages.  I will try to keep the links on a new  Links to Our OTHER Sites page up to date.  (Look in the STALKERCLAN LINKS section at left.)

I am trying to reduce the clutter on the main StalkerClan page so that it will load quickly.  I have moved several features that were on the main page to the new Links to Our OTHER Sites page.  The links to news items about Kentucky, Florida, WildCats and Gators and our hometowns are now on the bottom of that page.  Links to several other pages, including SeriouslyLooney, have been moved there also.

I am discontinuing the StalkerClan Mini-Mall.  The only thing I am keeping is a link to the Puritan’s Pride Vitamin Shop.  It is the only store out of all those in the Mini-Mall that we have gotten money from in the last year.   The new link in the left hand column should work just like the one in the old Mini-Mall.

I have also added a link to The StalkerClan Gift Shop.  This is something new I have been working on.  You should find several familiar looking products there and some new ones.  These are real products that you can order.  They are a little expensive.  Paying $12.95 for a coffee mug or $16 to $26 for a T-Shirt is a bit more than I like.  The custom printing is what makes them cost extra. Maybe the millionaire can order a few things.

I’m also going to discontinue the Sad Songs page.  It hasn’t been updated in a long time anyway.  If Luci’s dry eyes need some tears she will have to get them the same way I do … check her 401k account balance.

I haven’t decided what to do with the Motivational Posters item.  Should I keep it on the front page?  Let me know what you think.

If any of the changes I have made, or make in the next few weeks, cause you problems let me know and I will try to fix things.



Jeff said...

I will try to keep up with all the changes. You know I will have to call you to help me with enything new. And you just need to do what ever is easiest for you. We just appreciate all the time you put into the Clan.

Michelle said...

Any changes will be ok. I just like looking at the clan daily.