Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Painted and Partying

Here is a slideshow of some of the photos Amber took at Evan’s birthday party.

The lady who did the face painting was very talented. She needs to be working for Disney. Heck, she almost made Jeffery look good.

If you have trouble viewing the slideshow, here are links to the individual pictures…


Jeff said...

We had the best time at Evan's party. And After seeing the pictures, I would have made a good warrior. The only thing missing for me in that area as a kid was the war paint. I do believe I was a bad Indian years ago. Now I am just call "Old Herb Woman." Why could'd Luci be Old Herb Woman and let me be Warrior Princess?
Just my luck. I think I need a garlic and ginger drink. That should make me feel better.

Luci said...

Maybe we could talk the artist into coming to KY for Stalker Days. Can you imagine us all running around on the farm with our faces painted up? We would probably scare all the cows to death. Looks like fun though.

Michelle said...

The girls are beautiful. It looks like a good time was had by all that attended.