Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mother’s Day Memento

In that bunch of old newspaper clippings that included the article about Crystal’s softball playing days, there was a whole page from an old Appalachian News-Express.  It was one of those pages the paper does for special occasions where they publish school children’s writings.  This one was for Mother’s Day.   It took me a minute to figure out why Mom had saved it, but then I saw the name on this little girls story:

It must have touched Mom’s heart for her to have saved it.  I bet it touched Judy’s too.  Probably still does today.



Jeff said...

That was just too sweet. I am glad Mom saved it.

Michelle said...

I enjoyed that letter, I am sure Judy has kept it in a special place.

Clyde said...

Motor Mouth Got Started Early... The newspaper had a whole page of letters from other grade school students like Miranda. Most of the kids wrote five or six lines, two paragraphs at most. Miranda's letter went on and on for seven paragraphs. It took up most of two columns.

I think it was obvious early on that little Miranda was going to be a lawyer.