Wednesday, July 29, 2009

UK vs UF

Whenever Bryan and Randy get together the talk always turns to the Wildcats and Gators.  They have had a lively competition going for quite some time now.  Florida has been winning on the football field but it looks like the kite flying competition may go the Wildcats’ way…

[ Click on each picture to view larger. ]

I will try to share some more of my Stalker Days photos over the next week or two.  If you have some good ones to share, email them to me.



Luci said...

Everyone seemed to have a really good time. I just knew that I had gained 5 pounds from all the great food Oliver, Jim, Michelle, and Jenny provided, but I acutally lost 1. Guess that is from all the running around we did. I hardly sat down from Thursday until Sunday night.

Michelle said...

I think the Stalker Daze gets better each year. Luci had kites for the kids, Jennie and Clyde had a water ball, Which I enjoyed watching Blair chase Jennie with. I had some glowing rope necklaces and some bubbles. It is great to have childrens laughter at a gathering it makes the gathering better.