Saturday, August 15, 2009

The Yard Sale King

Jim, Jeremy and I got up Friday morning and went to the Campers Yard Sale at Levi Jackson. When we arrived we were together until I ran into a friend and started talking and they got ahead of me. I started back on the road and came to a yard sale that had some things I was interested in. This is the conversation I heard:

Husband: So I see you sold my Snap-On hammer drill.
Wife: Yes this man just bought it.
Husband: You got $75 for it.
Wife: No, I got $5 for it.
Wife: $5.
Husband: I talked to our son on the phone and told him to sell it for $75!!!
Son: Dad, I thought you said "Sell it for $5".
Husband: NO I SAID SEVENTY FIVE DOLLARS!! Ok, this is a joke, you really did not sell my hammer drill for $5, this is a joke.
Wife: (Shaking her head) I swear on my life honey, the man just paid $5 for it.
Husband: (Ranted and went on for a few more minutes and then went to the picnic table and sat down and said to a friend sitting at the table.) Can you believe she sold my hammer drill for $5 and I just paid $25 for that new head I had put on it.

I went up to the woman and paid for my purchases and went on around the camp sites and went back to the car where Jim and Jeremy were a there waiting for me. This is the conversation that took place”

Me: Did you get anything?
Jim: Yes, I found Jeremy a couple of hats and I got a SNAP-ON hammer drill for $5 (He proudly held it up for me to see.) Look, it has a brand new head.
Me: Laughing hysterically.
Jim: What is so funny?
Me: You should have just heard the conversation I heard about that Hammer Drill.

Now I call Jim the Yard Sale King.

The Yard Sale King


1 comment:

Luci said...

What a deal. I am going to have to start taking yard sale lessons from Jim and Michelle. Of course I need to have a huge one first to get rid of some stuff so I have room for more.