Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Caught In The Crossfire

Jennie and I took Emerson to meet up with Erik and Veronica at Slade yesterday. Ted and Luci came over and we all had lunch at the Natural Bridge State Park Lodge. It snowed while we were eating and, as everyone was leaving, Ted and Emerson got a quick snowball fight started. I got caught in the crossfire...

Caught in the Crossfire

Emerson was throwing at Ted and scored a direct hit on the back of my arm. I don't think either of them managed to hit the other.

The white in my hair must be from the snow, yeah that's right, it was snowing hard. See, Ted's head is covered with snow too.


Anonymous said...

We had a great time Sunday. The snow was beautiful. It was the big fluffy kind. Somehow the wind currents made it float up outside the windows of the dining room where we had lunch. As usual Emerson was very entertaining. He was running around with his tongue hanging out, trying to catch snowflakes with it. I could tell Ted was dying to do it too but his arthritis held him back. Ted is thinking about writing a diet book. His plan is called "Get a Clyde." I think there may be something to it. As long as I ate siting next to Clyde I was really skinny.

Anonymous said...

I need to get a Clyde, I would love to loose a few pounds for 08.