Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Uncle Teet's Big 8-0

Uncle TeetThis January 2, 2008 would have been Uncle Teet's 80th birthday. I remember he would always be at church with his family every Sunday morning and evening.

I remember one time we went on a picnic with his family and he fell into the water and got his pant legs wet, we all had a laugh about it.

I also remember a time he was down Junice's once while all of us was visiting. They were mostly playing baseball. Donna was at the bat, I got a big laugh when Teet was the empire and when she struck at the ball, Teet said, "Strike Four." If I remember correctly, I wasn't the only one that laughed.

I also remember Lucille telling us after she came home from visiting them, "Donna came out of the house and asked Teet, 'Dad, how do you spell Oot?"

Teet said, ' Eu U T. '

She when back into the house and came back out and said, "Dad how do you make a Eu?"

Happy 80th Birthday Uncle Teet

Posted by Sherry

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I sure wish Uncle Teet and Connie were around. They would really enjoy the Stalker Clan.