Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Jeffery Hen - Roo Junior Is a Girl!

The whole family woke up to the beginning of another day. Roo was outside crowing. Roo Junior was a week old now. When Roo stopped crowing they all went outside. Quick as Jeffery Hen, Panda, Bear and Roo Junior got outside, Roo flew out of the tree and joined his family. While they were out there eating, the Elder Hen came visiting. The Elder Hen asked Jeffery Hen did she have a boy or a girl.

"I didn't check, but I am sure enough to know it's a boy."

If its a girl you get a hollow sound.The Elder Hen picked Roo Junior up and checked. The Elder Hen said, "Jeffery Hen, it's a girl!"

Jeffery Hen said, "A girl!"

"Yes," said the Elder Hen, "a girl."

"Roo!", yelled Jeffery Hen.

Roo said, "What?"

"Roo Junior is a girl!", said a surprised Jeffery Hen.

"A girl!", yelled Roo.

Every chicken around heard Roo's yell and thought the whole thing was funny. While all of the chickens around was laughing, Roo didn't think it was.

While Panda was playing with the twins, the baby chick was playing with the triple boys and Bear was playing with the boys across the other side of the picking ground, Roo and Jeffery Hen went into the hen house to decide on a new name.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

CRYSTALS A GIRL !!! no way, I thought she was a YETI. Nah Just kidding. LOL