Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Blair’s Vacation Highlight

Randy, Jeffery, Cameron and Emily will each have their own favorite memories of the vacation to Kentucky this year.  Who knows what they will be?  I have a pretty good idea that I know what Blair’s favorite memory will be already though… he learned to ride a bicycle without training wheels on this trip to Kentucky.

I guess you could say he learned by accident.  You see, his cousin Cameron accidentally broke the training wheels off  Blair’s bicycle.  If he was going to ride, it had to be on two wheels.

Blair has already learned to push the bike to a running start and jump on to get going.  I think he is working on doing wheelies next.


Considering he is only four years old it is really something to see how well he rides.  I think at four I was still learning to ride my first tricycle.



Aunt Luci said...

Go Blair! Get him Emmy!

Anonymous said...

emmy cant get him

Anonymous said...

emmy cant get him from cameron