Friday, September 4, 2009

Friday’s Fun Foto #6

This is a feature I started several months ago that everyone seemed to enjoy.  I apologize, I haven’t posted one in quite a while. (But hey, having to go through all those pictures of Jeffrey eating isn’t very motivating.) 

Luci discovered some photos stuck in a box in Mom’s bedroom yesterday.  They seem to be from about the time Jeff and Randy got married.  This one, she thinks, is from Mom and Dad’s first trip to Florida:


I’ll try to post more of these in coming weeks.

I’m wondering, was it during this trip that Mom and Jeff went yard selling and Mom bought the plunger?  This would be a good place for people to record their memories of the people, events and places in these old photos. Just leave a comment.



Luci said...

When I saw this photo, it struck me that I had never seen Mom in shorts before. When I showed it to her, she asked who it was. I told her it was her and Dad. She said "No, it can't be me, I never owned a pair of shorts." I said, "You must have borrowed them." She said "Jeff must have made me wear them." It's amazing what we can manage to forget and then have to acknowledge because of old pictures.

Clyde said...

Family Resemblance

I was showing these photos Luci found to Jennie last night. When we got to this one I said, "That's Mom and Dad on their first trip to Florida after Jeff and Randy got married."

Jennie looked at it a little closer and said, "Why that is your Mom, I thought it was Luci."

Mindy said...

Is that sun tanning lotion next to papaw? Was he working on his radiant glow? Mamaw is so cute. I'll bet my mom did make her wear those shorts. she does got perty legs though.

Michelle said...

Jeffery married in April and we went to Florida in June. We spent the whole week in the old house of Mr.Ratliffs and didnt see a soul but dad and occasionaly Jeff and Randy would come check on us. NO TV no radio or nothing. For a teenage girl Florida was as close to H@## as you could get.

Anonymous said...

Waa!Waa!Waa! I don't want to hear you whine. At least you did not have to go to all the neighbors houses and collect the slop for the pigs like I did. Before my baby rights were taken, I did not do slop. Randy is still trying to figure out the slop issue. He is asking who else had to go get slop. I told him that Sherry was supposed to help, but always seemed to get out of it. I explained how she would load the oven up with the dirty dishes and only wash a few of the ones she could not get in the oven and say she was done. Then Mom would heat up the stove and discover the not only dirty dishes, but now baked dirty dishes. Luci used to claim that Sherry would pour half a bottle of cooking oil in the dish water before starting to wash them. They would be so greasy we could not eat on them. She was much smarter then we were. This helped her get out of a lot of dishes. Randy says if I had thought like Sherry, I would have triped at the front door with the bucket of slop each time I had to go get it, and thus my slop days would have been passed to Luci. And now back to the oringinal thought, Michelle whinning about no TV or radio, She could have been home sloping the hogs, but no she was in Fl on a lake, seeing Fl wild life for free. Some pelple just don't know when they have it made.

Anonymous said...

Clyde, can't you google the stories to go with this picture? The one where mom is riding in the orange van and the plunger story. I believe I have already written them up. If not I will try to write time. Oh yes the story where Mom is praying for Dad to stop at a restroom.