Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Childhood Mysteries

Shawn and Jennifer had us all over for dinner during Court Days. It was a "full emersion" occasion.

Jennifer is such a kind and gentle spirit and an animal lover. They had a new puppy. Over dinner Papaw reminisced about his favorite hunting dog. It seems a friend gave it to him because it was killing all the neighbors' cats. Papaw said he didn't care if it killed cats as long as it would tree squirrels. The next morning there were three dead cats on the porch. He had to hustle to get them down to the river before anyone (particularly us) could see them. Every morning he would get up before daybreak to check the porch for dead cats and take them to the river.

Slowly but surely our childhood mysteries are being solved. We now know:

  • What the funny looking balloons were,
  • Why Sherry was so upset about loosing her "Joke book,"
  • Where all the cats went, and
  • Why Papaw gets up so early.

I wonder what other answerers will reveal themselves. The holidays are coming up. Lots of opportunities for dinner conversation.

Dinner was wonderful by the way. I think Jennifer's mom cooked everything.



Michelle said...

Boy I bet Jeffery is upset about the cat mysterys. Next cookout at Shawn and Jennifers I will have to come. I keeping missing the Stalker Reunions part 2 and 3. But it seems that Luci and Clyde have made everyone of them. Me and Jeffery have not made it but to the first one. now that is a mystery to us.

Luci said...

You guys are just going to have to quit those jobs so you can keep up with us retired folks.