We think this is from the Stalker’s first trip to Florida. A lot of memorable events occurred on that first Florida vacation, some have been documented on the StalkerClan and some apparently haven’t. I will try to share a few of the stories that have been written as I post more of these pictures. The following is a comment Michelle made to a story in June 2004 about a few of the happenings on that Stalker Family Vacation.
Hooked on Florida
I remember fondly that first trip to Florida. I think Jeff got married in April and we were on the road to Florida in May. I told my friends I was going to Florida, the suntan state. I was going to Disney World and how much fun I was going to have.
We got in the Hippy van (the one with the desert scene on the side) to head to the Florida line. Well there were only two seats so Dad strapped in a swivel rocker in the middle for me or Mom to sit in. So off we went.
We went straight to a small little apartment that was not big enough to whip a cat in, and stayed one night. Then, early the next morning before sunrise (Dad’s favorite travel time) we went to Lake Hewitt.
Jeffery drove us and Mom was sitting in the middle in the swivel seat. Jeffery rounded a curve and the strap broke on the seat, and Mom went flying backwards into the back of the van. All we could see was legs and there was this horrible scream. Mom had her hair rolled in brush curlers and when she fell she hit her head on the floor of the van. Those brush curlers dug into her tender scalp. Mom was traumatized! (Funniest part of the trip for me.)
When we arrived at Lake Hewitt we stayed there five days with no TV or radio or nothing; just me, Mom, Dad and a fishing pole. It was horrible!
But on the last day, Dad caught THE BASS and was hooked! He was so proud of that fish that he had it mounted and put it in the living room for all to see. One day Mom cleaned the living room and put the trophy bass in the closet in his bedroom. I will never forget what happened next. He came in and didn’t see his bass. He said, “ %$%$% where is my bass?”
Mom told him and he went, got the bass, put it back on the wall and said,"If there is not one @@#$!#@ thing on the wall in this living room, that bass will be!" And to this day that 27 year old bass is on the wall in the Stalker home.
Comment by Michelle
Young Egg on Legs
Is it just me or does this photo remind anyone else of the Egg on Legs story? The egg may be smaller and the legs long and skinny, but she already has the look.
Is it any wonder StalkerClan women wait until their husband is out of town to buy furniture? You just can't stand in the store and argue over taste like that.
Actually it kind of looks like she has a wedgie and a flowbee haircut too.
I wish I was that skinny now!!
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