Sunday, October 25, 2009

Trash the Dress

I ran across something I thought was interesting on the Internet recently.  It seems there is an association for professional wedding photographers and they have contests to pick their best photographs in a variety of categories.  One of the categories is something called ‘Trash the Dress’.   These are staged (usually) photographs of the bride doing something that would destroy, ruin or trash her wedding dress.   Here is a past winner that caught my eye and that I really liked…

This got me to wondering… “What has happened to Jennifer’s dress?”  She was wearing it when she and Shawn drove away from the church, leaving for their honeymoon.  Has anyone seen it since?  I have this nagging feeling that something bad may have happened to it…


One year down and many more to go.



Michelle said...

Happy Anniversary!! The one year of stress free marriage is over. I think Sherry, mamaw papaw and Carlos are getting their clothes packed!!

Unknown said...

Happy Anniversary!!! Do I understand that there is no cable TV within 50 miles of your house and it may be years before you can get it?

Mommy said...

Happy Anniversay!!!
Love Maw, Paw, Mommy and Carlos