Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Assisted Living Stalker Style

The running of the Stalker Clan headquarters is quite an amazing operation.  I had no idea it ran like a well oiled clock.  All Daddy does is holler, "I NEED A CUP OF COFFEE", and Carlos runs from where ever he is and gets started on Daddy a cup of coffee.

Dad says, "I NEED MY SHOES TAKEN OFF", and Sherry runs over and takes his socks and shoes off. It was an amazing thing to see.

Well, we were sitting on the porch and Dad hollered, "I WANT A BOWL OF CHICKEN NOODLE SOUP", and I heard a voice call back, "Do you want crackers with that soup?"


Well, I was sitting on the porch and in about five minutes Sherry came out with a bowl of  chicken noodle soup with crackers and some milk.  I was impressed.  Dad sat there a second and he poked me on the arm and said, "Do you want to see something amazing?"

I said, "Sure Daddy, what is it?"

He said, "Look at that bowl of chicken noodle soup."

I looked at it and I said, "What is the matter with it?"

He said, "Did you really look at it?"

I said, "Yes."

Then he said, "You don't see nothing wrong with it?"

I said, "No, I don't."

He said, "Well, I do."

I said, "What?"

He said, "How in the world does Sherry think I am  going to eat that bowl of soup with a fork?"

I started laughing and I thought, 'Well, even well oiled machines have a bad call every now and then.'

Posted by Michelle


Anonymous said...

Hey, I know how the Meaner operates. She was just trying to keep him busy for a while so she could take a break.

Anonymous said...

I just love to hear that old Meaner is getting wilked on a daily basis. Somehow that makes my childhood a little more balanced out somehow. I got wilked. She is getting wilked. Sounds right to me. Wilk Wilk . My mouse is next to my mouth as i write this. There is great pleasure to be had for giving a wilking the way it is supposed to be giving. Right Meaner??