Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Crusher Crystal

Crystal sent me some photos recently and I'm not quite sure what to make of them.  She didn't include any story to go with them but I think I can tell what they are about.

Crusher Crystal



From the looks of this picture, I suspect she is in training to be a professional wrestler. 

I bet it won't be long before we see her on one of those WWE pay-per-view  events,


or something like that.

Crusher applies the Choke Hold

This picture just confirms my suspicions. 

It's obvious she is going to be one of those dirty, rotten, low down,  cheating villains of the wrestling world. 

I've known for years that she was destined to turn out that way,  ever since the Ski-Biscuit incident.


Anonymous said...

I think I know the who (Crystal and Amber) now I need to know the where? the why and the What are they doing?? I like the face paint!! and the tatoos are cute too.

Anonymous said...

Crystal's friends have been ragging her about her hair cut. They told her she looks like Suri Cruise. That picture really proves it. You look so cute Crystal. And Aunt Michelle that is not me with Suri. Although i will take it as a compliment.
