Sunday, July 6, 2008

The Working 2008

We had another 'Working on Road Creek" this weekend.  New flooring was put down in two rooms and it looks really good.  Of course, if you've been to any of the previous 'workings', you already know ...

Who did all the work...

Who did most of the cooking...

Who did his share of the eating...

and who did a lot of the laughing.

There was something new this time...Shawn brought his fiance, Jennifer, along so she could help with the working, sample the ripe raspberries and so she could 'bond' with the girls of the StalkerClan.

I'm worried she may have 'bonded' with the girls a little more than he expected.

Like all our trips to Road Creek, everything went just exactly as planned.  As Michelle would say, "like a well oiled clock." 


Anonymous said...

the only thing that could have made this picture any better would be if Clyde had made it musical. I could have moved my curser from butt to butt. Each butt having it's own musical note. That would have been a great game. Or we could have played Whose butt is it anyway. You know. Clyde could have hid the faces and made us guess whose butt was whose. I guess the web master is loosing his touch on the games. Or maybe just the fact that Aunt Jennie is in the picture and he knows she would kill him is enough to keep his imagination in check.

Anonymous said...

Somehow this doesn't reflect well on the Stalker gene pool. Jim does all the work. Jenny does the cooking. The Stalkers do all the laughing and eating. Thanks Jim. Thanks Jenny. We don't deserve you but we sure are glad we have you. As I understand it Michelle, Jim, Jeremy, Justin, Shawn & Jennifer stayed at the Jenny Lynn Bed and Breakfast, where they were entertained with fireworks, dipped in the pool, had their beds turned down with a mint on the pillow, then were served a 7 course breakfast the next morning. Meanwhile I was up the creek without a paddle or electricity. I really needed a paddle to swat the mosquitoes. Actually, Mom, Dad and I sat on the porch Saturday morning while the electricity was off and talked. It was really quiet. You could hear the creek and the birds singing. It was very nice. I getting a little homesick just thinking about it.

Anonymous said...

You forgot the bell that Jennie gave Shawn in case he needed something. Jennifer has no idea how big of a spoiler Jennie is, she though Luci was bad at taking his meals to him at the computer but I think the bell has her beat.