Thursday, July 10, 2008

Ham Hock Heaven

The only thing that could have made this picture any better would be if Clyde had made it musical. I could have moved my curser from butt to butt. Each butt having it's own musical note. That would have been a great game. Or we could have played 'Whose Butt Is It?' anyway. You know, Clyde could have hid the faces and made us guess whose butt was whose. I guess the web master is loosing his touch on the games. Or maybe just the fact that Aunt Jennie is in the picture and he knows she would kill him is enough to keep his imagination in check. - Jeff

True, I didn't think of making a game out of this photo.  When I saw it, I was reminded of the comment Cameron made to his mother about the gator getting her...

"Just wait till that gator gets a look at them big ham hocks of yours, sitting there in the water."   

Since I've thought once or twice about selling advertising on the StalkerClan to make a little money, this is the picture that came to my mind...


Maybe I can combine both ideas.  How about this...if you click on the SPAM butt it plays a SPAM commercial?  Ummm, I wonder if I can get any money out of the SPAM folks for this?


Clyde said...


To whom it may concern, I am now completely out of stories from everyone. I don't even have a HenTale to post. If you don't want to see more of my nonsense like this post, you need to get busy and send me some stories.

Anonymous said...

That is cute. I kind of feel lika a SPAM.

Anonymous said...

Looks more like Stalkers gone wild to me! Did any of those girls sign releases?