Sunday, July 13, 2008

Another StalkerClan Baby

Ted recently found a calf that the mother cow would not accept. It had several problems and didn’t seem to have much chance of surviving but Ted couldn’t bear to destroy it. 

He decided to keep it in his office and feed it with a bottle. At first he had to pry its mouth open and put the nipple inside and then massage its jaws to make it nurse the bottle. He had to do that for the first week or so.  I was afraid it wouldn’t make it so I didn’t want to get attached or let the grandkids see it.

It is doing much better now so Ted decided to bring it home and keep it in the barn behind his house.  He was carrying it in from his SUV and Chris was carrying a bale of hay, Bert jumped up and grabbed the butt of Ted’s pants and pulled them down. I hope he had on clean underwear. Hey I just hope he had on underwear. (Another reason for Moms to say “Wear clean underwear. You never know when Bert will pull your pants down.”) 

I asked Ted to re-enact this scene for the StalkerClan but, for some reason, he refused.  You will just have to use your imagination.  Actually, I have been training Bert to change Ted’s diapers when he has his back surgery. I think he is about ready.

Ted still feeds the calf every morning and evening. Some times the grandkids help, but Bert is always there to help. As you can see in these pictures, he is a lot of help.  It looks like he is trying to help the calf nurse the bottle. He licks all the milk off its chin when it is finished.

The calf is growing up thinking that Ted is its Mom and Bert is its Dad.  Can you imagine how that will turn out?

Maybe the StalkerClan viewers would like to suggest names for the calf.

Posted by Luci


Clyde said...

Not My Namesake

I confess, I've campaigned long and hard to get one of the StalkerClan babies named 'Clyde', but this is not what I had in mind.

While I have to admit there are a few 'minor' similarities in terms of appetite, table manners, weight when fully grown, hygine, and lifestyle, I just don't know if this is the right one to be named 'Clyde'.

On the other hand, I can't deny that we are BOTH just so irresistably CUTE. Is that calf a boy or a girl?

Anonymous said...

It's a girl but I guess we could name it Clydene or Clydette.

Anonymous said...

I had no idea Ted had a softer side. There may be hope for converting one of the Stalker clan members to vegetarianism after all!! Yes! I vote for the name "PETA". And Ted can call her Peter.

Anonymous said...

I think Clydielee Oot would be an aceptable name for a bull. You could yodel it from the hills and it would know to come and eat. who took the pictures I liked them.

Anonymous said...

Has anyone noticed that when
Clyde has said he was going to conitue to use the butt picture until he got more stories that Luci came up with a really good one.??

Anonymous said...

How Cute! Yes Ted has a softer side Amber. He just doesn't use it on ginnie girls.
As for a name for the poor calf, I for one think it would be a crime to give it a name like Clyde, Clydilee Oot, or Jeffery.
If you do it might be emotionly scared for life. I have had some experiece in this area. And if you name it PEDA, it will only be a reminder of Ted's younger days of ordering take out at Wendy's. And I hope Ted's surgery goes well. We will all be praying for him. We love you Uncle Ted!