Tuesday, July 22, 2008

M&M Story

Read it!  Read it! Read all about it!

New Family Dollar in Satsuma causes car crash and other problems for local man.

Skreeeech CRASH!

It seems that a local resident by the name of Jevon Mayberry, recently spotted a sign informing the locals of the Grand Opening of a new Family Dollar store in their town.  Mr. Mayberry, straining to see the sign, looked away for just one moment too long and hit the car in front of him.  No one was hurt, but Mr. Mayberry's truck was totaled. No mention was made as to whether or not Mr. Mayberry was able to get the date for the opening.

On his way back from his cousin's birthday party (Lauren Scott in High Springs) Mr. Mayberry noticed that the new store was open.  He went in to check out the Grand Opening sale and noticed the freebies they had to offer out front.  There were several large plastic boxes filled with an assortment of items.  One lady was heard to say, "This is noting but a bunch of Sh!+."

Mr. Mayberry commented that he thought this was very rude behavior, considering that all the items were FREE.   He was glad to see the store giving stuff away.  He walked along side the rude woman and spotted a box full of small white boxes that did not have any writing on them.  All they had on them was a red flower.  He found this to be quite odd.  He picked one up and showed it to the cashier and asked what was in the box.  He stated that he thought she had said. "M&Ms."

He was ecstatic!  He hurried over to the box,  yelled, "Whoooo! Whoooo!", and loaded up as many boxes as his hands could carry.  He was a very happy man. He loves M&Ms.  He walked out to his car smiling from ear to ear.  He had pulled a 'Meaner'.  He had free M&Ms, not half price M&Ms, not buy one get one free M&Ms, but FREE M&Ms

He got into his truck, started up his engine and pulled out onto the road.  About this time he decided he wanted to open one of his prize boxes of M&Ms.  He opened  the end, tossed the top to the side, turned the small box up to his mouth and out poured several Fem-n-nems. (Tampons)

Posted by Jeff and Amber


Anonymous said...

This reminds me of the first tampon I bought. I'm telling my age here but they had just come out. Michelle was about 4. I realized she was being awfully quiet and had been in the bathroom a long time. When I went to check on her, she said "Sissy these are the worst suckers I ever tasted. I tried them all and they all taste bad. But they make pretty flowers when you put them in the commode."

Anonymous said...

LOL.. Poor Jevon the only thing worse is if he had hit another car while trying out his M and M's. How is his truck he totalled?

Anonymous said...

lol lol Luci you made my day. That topped my Jevon story. Randy is busting a gut. And Michelle, Jevon truck is sitting in his yard. He is trying to fix it. Poor Jevon. It must be raining again.