Wednesday, December 31, 2008


Crystal sent me these photos of her and Amber and some of the kids.  She didn't include a story to go with the pictures but the heading of her email was "Results of Inbreeding...."

Cross-eyed Crystal & Kids


I've been looking at them for several days now and I can't figure out...

They look normal to me.

What's funny about them?  They look normal to me.

Monday, December 29, 2008

Poetry From Amber



Dear Grandpa,

I often wonder why you had to leave us so soon.
It feels like you still had so much to give, so much to do.
I know in my heart that God has a plan.
I just can't believe that your part here had to end.
I guess to us you seemed more than a man,
more than a person, more than a plan.

I have to admit I was bitter for a while.
To never feel your hug, hear your laugh, or see your smile.
To think that my children will never hear you sing or hold your soft hand.
It seems to be more than one person can stand.
To watch Grandma go through life without her soul-mate.
The pain, I can imagine, almost too great.

But in these past years I've gone seeking God's face.
And what I found was a great abundance of peace.
He has shown me wisdom beyond my dreams.
He has opened my eyes and shown me things.
And one thing He knew that I needed to see-
That your legacy's still here, even though you can't be.

You are all around, if only we try...
To see the beauty left behind from your life.
In the children that you raised and the wife you loved so.
In the house that you built and the fields that you hoed.
In the smell of gardenias or the color red.
In a new silk shirt or a smooth bald head.

If I listen hard at church, I can hear you sing above the rest.
I see you in my son when he pokes out his little chest.
You are there in the deep brown of my children's eyes.
I even hear you when a night owl cries.
Your humor can be heard in every joke that we tell.
In your clothes Grandma kept, I can still smell your smell.

Sometimes I see your swing sway in the wind.
But I know it's really you there, singing hymns.
I see you in my Dad as he leads Christmas prayer.
It's not just me, Grandad, we all know you're there.
Oh yes, you are there and I'm not mistaken.
Because not all of you went when you were taken.

I love you Grandpa!


Wednesday, December 24, 2008


I remember when I was in the fourth grade, I got a necklace with the ten commandments on it.  If I remember correctly Jeffery got some toy playware.

Joe came in one day and we asked him what did Rita and Darrel got.  Joe said, "She got something that was worth a dollar and traded it for something that was worth only 29 cents."

Mother said, "Gee, oh, Joe!"

We asked him, "What did she get?"

Joe said, "She said she got a bubble gum machine and traded it for some paints. Darrel kept his, he got a coloring book and some crayons."

I said, "When I was in the first grade, that was what I got."

Mother told Joe she didn't know what to think about him letting her do that.  Joe said, "Ah, I just let them do whatever it is they want to."


Tuesday, December 23, 2008


I remember when I was in the first grade, my classroom went into the lunchroom to have lunch. In the middle of the room, opposite the end that had the kitchen, was an aluminum Christmas tree with a round thing that shined three different colors on it. I never seen this kind of tree before and I wanted one to put up in our house. We had a real tree that I didn't think looked pretty.

The next year they put the same Christmas tree up in the lunchroom again. I still wanted one for our house. I remember I came home. We entered the house from the lower side of the house. (I'm guessing we had a big hole there in the front of the house.) When I entered the house, Mother said to Jeffery, "Don't let her see it!" Like it was a surprise.

Mother said, "It's the Christmas tree!"  It was a real tree decorated with lights and items. It wasn't the aluminum tree. I got it on my mind it was never going to be. I was right!


PS: I remember sometime after that we went up to Joe's, their Christmas tree looked like a tree branch decorated. I said to myself, "At least our tree is better looking than theirs."

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Not My Proudest Moment

Uncle Clyde, -  I was trying to think of a fitting name for this story and the only phrase that keeps coming to mind is......."Not my Proudest Moment"

So let me start this story by explaining that  I just got over one of the worst cases of the stomach-flu that I have ever had.  It really kicked my butt for about 3 days.  It left me really dehydrated and weak even days later.  My friend AlvaGayle kept the kids for me for 2 days while Jevon tended to me. (By the way he was great!) 

Anyway, when Jevon went back to work and I got the kids back, it is an understatement to say that I did not feel well.  And Caitlyn was in full whine, scream, cry, pout mode when I took back over on my first day as "Mom".  I was in no mood to deal with her tantrums.  She is usually very calm and pleasant, but not that day. 

I called Mom and referred to Caitlyn as Medusa's Spawn as I vented my frustrations.  Mom told me I should be patient and try to remember that my being sick was probably rough on Caitlyn.  "You're right," I said.  And I couldn't help but think back to the great parenting book, "How to behave so your children will, too!"  It talked about being patient and ignoring some bad behavior and focusing on the positive.  I did try.  But man was she showing her little butt that day. 

Mom suggested I have lunch with her and Grandma in town.  That sounded great since I had to go to town for groceries anyway.  When we left lunch, Mom took Caitlyn so I could do my shopping in peace.  What a blessing! 

After I was done Mom met me and I got Caitlyn back.  She immediately reverted back to Medusa's Spawn.  Her hair turned to snakes and they all screamed and hissed at me at once.  But I kept it together and I stayed calm.  I was doing good.  I was actually proud of myself. 

I only had one more stop to make and then we could go home.  Jevon wanted me to pick up a movie from Blockbuster.  Seemed simple enough.  So Caitlyn and I ran into Blockbuster.  I found the movie with no problem and headed for the check-out.  I sat Caitlyn on the counter as I dug in my pocket and found the last of my cash; a crisp new 10 dollar bill.  The cashier scanned my card and was making small talk with me when I vaguely remember Caitlyn saying, "Hey, thanks!  You found my money grandma gave me," as she took my $10. 

When the cashier rang up the movie he gave me the total and that is when I realized that I no longer had my money.   I checked my pockets in vain and then I remembered that Caitlyn had my money.  So I asked her for it,  "Can mommy have her money, please.  I need to pay for this movie." 

That's when she cupped both her hands over her teensy-tiny midget sweater pocket and furrowed her face and all the snakes in her hair screamed, "NO!  This is my money!" 

Now this is where the story reaches a critical point.  You see, I had a few really mature ways to approach the problem, and under normal circumstances I promise you I would have.  But this was no ordinary day.  Nope.  This camel had had enough and that $10 had just broken my back.

So I went for that tinker-bell sized pocket on her sweater and said, "Give me that MONEY!!"  I pried at her hands with one hand and made finger-tweezers with my other hand as I tried to pry that money out of her insanely small Barbie pocket. 

She screamed, "No, you can't have my money, Mom!  Never!  Never!  Grandma gave it to me!"

Now any rational thinking person would have realized that Grandma had given her some money and maybe if I found it she would realize that she had mine.  But, no.  I was in full blown 3-year old tantrum mode right there with her.  About that time the money somehow made it's way out of the pocket.  I crouched into a football stance, never taking my eyes off that bill.  Caitlyn tossed the $10 behind her back and then from hand to hand.  It was actually quite impressive.  It looked like a basketball move. 

I swayed from left to right still crouching and never talking my eyes off the prize.  The whole time Caitlyn's screaming at the top of her lungs, "You can't have my money, MOM!  NO! NO!"  Then she balled the bill up in her small but surprisingly strong fist and then wrapped her other fist around that one.  It was almost too much for me. 

Somewhere from the depths of the Blockbuster abyss I could hear the author of that parenting book, "What are you doing?  This wasn't in the book.  I am so disappointed."   But I didn't listen.  I managed to pry her outside fist free and then I pried one finger at a time until I caught a glimpse of my $10.  I snatched it with the speed of a cobra!  "AHA!"  I screamed.  I threw the money at the cashier and screamed, "There!" at him. 

His eyes were wide and he said quietly, "Wow!  She really wanted that $10." 

It was then that the embarrassment of what had just happened started to soak in.  "It really was my money," I pleaded.

He raised his eyebrows and threw up his hands like, "Yeah, OK.  Whatever you say Crazy Lady!" 

Caitlyn was sobbing uncontrollably, "MY MONEY!!"  It was only then that I thought to look in her pants pocket... out came a crisp new one dollar bill.  I looked at her and she looked at me.  "Hey, there's my money from Grandma!" she squealed.

Like I said... Not my proudest moment!


Friday, December 5, 2008


December 5, would have been Joe and Wanda's 50th wedding anniversary if they had lived.

I remember Wanda telling me that every time something happens, it always happens on the 5th day of December. One of the happenings was the sow had pigs. I forgot what the other happenings were.


Thursday, December 4, 2008

Calendars for Christmas?

I'm still trying to decide what to give the girls for Christmas this year.  Luci suggested maybe a StalkerClan Calendar.  What do you think?

I'm just not sure I can stand to look at most of the StalkerClan photos for an entire month.

It's getting close to Christmas, I'm going to have to decide something soon.  I guess if I hadn't spent so much time trying to keep this picture on the front page of the StalkerClan, I could have done two or three StalkerClan books by now.  But in my defense, you don't get a photo like this every day.


Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Great Minds

I've heard it said many times that "Great Minds Think Alike".   That has me worried this morning. 

I need to explain:


Matt's birthday was this past Saturday and I found a great birthday card for him.  On the outside it said:


The Card you are holding is made entirely from recycled clothing fabric.

On the inside it continued:


But don't worry.  You can barely see the skid marks. 

Happy Birthday


Matt knew without checking the signature... "This has to be from Dad."

Well, imagine my surprise when I go to the post office on Monday, my birthday, and find that Jeffery has sent me...

The exact same card!


Can you see why I'm worried now?  If it's true that "Great Minds Think Alike," wouldn't that mean "Small Minds Think Alike" is true too?

  • Could I have become senile overnight?
  • Did that aneurysm do a lot more damage than I thought?

I kid you not, this has me worried.


Tuesday, December 2, 2008

New Motivational Poster

Just added this to the Motivational Posters ...

Michelle suggested it in an email a while back.  It took me a while to find the photo.

I can probably do a series of 20 or 30 GLUTTONY posters with the photos I got at our Thanksgiving get-together.   I'll start working on those, after I get a bite to eat.


Monday, December 1, 2008

Making Gift Giving Easy

Yes, that day has rolled around again.  It is the webmaster's birthday.  The little kid with the bow tie turns 59 today.

Fifty Nine, I can't count that high yet.

I know everyone wants to show their appreciation for all the hard work the webmaster has done  this year.  Being the helpful fellow I am, I have made that very easy.  Just go to THIS SITE and enter your Credit Card Information.  I will take it from there.  What could be easier!


Saturday, November 29, 2008

Happy Birthday Matt - 2008

It's hard to believe Matt turns 26 years old today.  Sherry would probably say that's one year for each letter of the alphabet.  I remember how proud we were when he learned how to say his A-B-C's,  we were celebrating his 16th birthday I think. 

Seriously though, we are very proud of the way he has taken control of his life and the choices he has made in the last couple of years.   Keep up the good work Matt.  You can do it.

Click HERE to view a sideshow of recent photos of Matt (and Sarah too.)

Mom and Dad

Friday, November 28, 2008

Turkey Romance

Crystal sent me an email suggesting the following;

I think there needs to be a contest on the StalkerClan for

"Most Romantic Turkey Couple"

... is it:

Me & Jesse,
Mom & Dad,
or Jevon & Amber?


Leave a comment with a vote for your favorite turkeys.

Thursday, November 27, 2008


I remember back when Mother and Dad had their 50th wedding anniversary. I wanted to put a story in the newspaper about it. If I remember correctly it went like this here.

Herman and Gertrude Stalker will have their 50th wedding anniversary this November 27, 1998.

The most unusual thing about them is that the whole entire 50 years they were married they always sent children to school.

They got married November 27, 1948, Mother's brother, Willie Ray, was in the first grade. They have seen to it that he went to school everyday and well prepared.

On December 1, 1949, their first child, Clyde, was born. He started school in 1955. During this time period, Willie Ray, was in the eighth grade.

On March 5, 1952 their second child was born, Lucille, she start school in 1958. During this time period, Willie Ray was a Junior in High School and Clyde was in the fourth grade.

On September 26, 1954 their third child, Sherry, was born. She started school in 1960. During this time period Willie Ray had graduated from high school and started college. Clyde was in the sixth grade and Lucille was in the third grade.

On December 25, 1956, their fourth child, Jeffery, was born she started school in 1962. During this time. Willie took some time off college to teach school in Buffalo.

On September 17, 1966, their fifth child, Michelle, was born, she started kindergarten in 1971. During this period of time. Willie Ray had graduated from college and got married. They have two children. Clyde and Lucille has already graduated. Clyde got a job working at the dam and Lucille was Sophomore in college. Sherry was a Junior in high school and Jeffery was a Freshman. Later Jeffery got married and Sherry graduated from high school. Lucille graduated from college. After that Clyde, Lucille and Sherry got married.

On November 26, 1976, Sherry moved beside of them and had a baby, Carlos, they helped send him to school. He started kindergarten in 1982. During this time period Michelle was a Junior in high school.

On June 19, 1980, Sherry had her second child, Shawn, he started kindergarten in 1986. During this period of time Carlos was in the third grade. Michelle graduated from high school.

Carlos graduated in 1996 and Shawn graduated in 1998.

Mother and Dad had send children to school for 50 years.


It doesn't end there. Shawn attended collage, they furnished him a truck, Sherry furnished him with all of his supplies he needed, and Lucille and Michelle took turns about doing his laundry on the weekends he didn't come home.

Now Shawn got married just one month before they celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary.


We all love you!


60th Anniversary

Mom and Dad's 60th Anniversary falls on Thanksgiving Day.  That seems somehow appropriate.
Here are a few of my favorite pictures of them;


Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Elf Ourselves

Michelle emailed me and asked that I take a stab at uploading our photos to ElfYourself.  This is the site I used a year or two ago to show the Guinea Girls doing their Christmas Dance.   They have expanded it since then.

Click CLASSIC to watch us do the Classic Christmas Elf Dance or

Click DISCO to see an updated Disco Version.

Hey, I've got some moves but I can't compete with Meaner.


NOTE: The site was very SLOOOOOW when I was doing these.  A lot of people may be using it, so give it time for the dances to download and run.


Carlos is 32 this November 26th. I can't believe he is only one day older then Jaleel White. He's the guy that played Steve Urkel, the Nerd on Family Matters.


Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Lobbying St. Peter

It has taken me a few days but I have finally figured out what is going on with Crystal.  There must be some motive for her recent activities and I think I have figured it out. 

Now tell me the truth, would you have thought that in the span of a few days Crystal would:

  • Treat Jeffery to a manicure and a foot massage,
  • Brag about how beautiful her mom looked,  
  • Admit that she was lucky to have such a great mom,
  • Wish Danny Looney a Happy Birthday, 
  • Display such genuine compassion for underprivileged children and
  • Take Cason to see Santa Claus.  

That is not the Crystal I rode the Ski Biscuit with, and I think I know what is going on. 

Here's my theory:

  1. She has figured out that I am going to hit the Pearly Gates some 30 or 40 years before she does. 

  2. She knows that every day I am there, I am going to be lobbying St. Peter, telling him about that Ski Biscuit incident.


  3. She has decided that it will take a lot of evidence in her favor to get her through those Pearly Gates, and she is starting now to build her case. 

That's the only explanation I can come up with.  I don't know if she has gotten an early enough start or not though.


Monday, November 24, 2008

Cason With Santa Claus

We ordered a few prints so we can send them out in Christmas Cards for the grandparents this year.  The look on his face though, is priceless. LOL

That's a long list Kid.  Hey, why does my leg 
feel so warm...and wet too?  Oh No!

Love you all!

Lady Turd and Fart Blossom

Uncle Clyde, - This story is straight off the request line.  Mom has been harassing me to write this one up for a while.  She always seems to get pleasure out of my embarrassment.  So this ones for her...

To tell this story right I need to explain a few of the reasons for why I am the way I am when it comes to meeting the other moms of the kids from school.  For those of you who don't know, I am only 15 years older than Austin.  To make things more awkward, I look like I'm about 17 even now.  I often get weird looks and stares from older people when I am out with the kids.  One time I was pumping gas at a gas station and all the kids kept rolling the windows down and hollering, "Mom!  Mom!"  This old guy pumping gas beside me shook his head at me and said, "You're just a kid yourself and having all those kids!"  If I hadn't been so shocked, I would have told him just where he could pump that gas, but I was frozen in disgust. 

A few more of these incidents have made me a little self-conscious.  When I meet Austin's teachers each year I can see the, "Great!  Another teeny-bopper with a kid" look on their faces.  I really have to earn their respect.  In their defense, there are a ton of young, immature parents out there who don't leave a great impression. 

Anyway, lately I find myself trying harder to make a good first impression on the kids teachers and their friend's moms - most of whom are much older than me.  So when Austin's friend Bradley was set to come play at our house for the first time, I began to prep the kids about their behavior.  I wanted to make a good impression on Bradley's mother since she was going to be trusting him in my care for the day. 

Most of Austin's friends moms are in there late thirties or forties and they often look at me like I am a child until they get to know me.  It's frustrating.  I have been asked frequently if I am his sister.  But this time I was going to be prepared.  I reminded the kids several times to use "ma'am and sir and please and thank-you".  They were to be on their best behavior and display all the wonderful hosting skills I had crammed into their little heads.  I felt quite confident in my little family as I watched Bradley and his mother pull into the yard. 

Caitlyn spotted them, too, and she ran outside to greet them.  I had done a good job coaching her, I thought.  As she ran to meet them she yelled, "Hello!  My name is Caitlyn.  Welcome to our house.  Come inside!  Come on!" 

This was going great!  Bradley's mom walked up the steps, but Bradley stopped to play with our dog, Lady Bird.  "Hi, I'm Sandy," said Bradley's mom.  "It's so nice to meet you, Caitlyn!  You are just a doll!"  She turned back to look for Bradley and then said, "Oh, it looks like Bradley really likes your dog." 

That's when it happened.  I watched in horror as all my hard work in manners and hostessing just went right down the drain.  Caitlyn looked at Sandy very seriously and said, "Oh, no.  Nobody likes her.  That's old Lady Turd." 

Sandy looked at me a little puzzled and then back at Caitlyn, "What did you say your dog's name was, Sweety?" 

I wasted no time answering quickly for her, "Oh, her name is Lady Bird." I said. 

But Caitlyn was not having it.  She cut her eyes back at me as if she were disappointed in me.  "It's okay, Mom.  Everybody knows that Lady is a turd and that's why we call her Lady Turd.  You know, you call her that too, Mom.  You know she's a turd."  Then she looks at Sandy and says, "She really is a turd, you'll see." 

My face probably turned every shade of red possible.  We both waited in silence for what seemed like an eternity before Sandy began to laugh hysterically.  Turns out she is our kinda people.  As she left, Caitlyn said, "Thank you so much for coming.  It was so nice to meet you.  Be careful driving home.  Oh, and watch out for Lady Turd when you go." 

Sandy looked at me and said, "My family has to meet this kid!" 

Later when I told Mom and Dad about what happened, Dad suggested to Caitlyn that she should call our daschund-mix, Roxy, "Fart-Blossom".  She loved it! 

A few weeks later we were at the bus stop with the kids when the dogs got out of the fence and came down and began to harass all the kids.  All the parents were looking around to see who the bothersome dogs that were jumping up on their clean kids belonged to.  I was doing a brilliant job of playing dumb.  "Stupid dogs!  Go back where ever it is you came from!" I said. 

Thanks to the wonderful technology we know as automatic windows, with the push of a button Caitlyn's head was out the back window and she was yelling, "Lady Turd!  Fart Blossom!  You know you aren't supposed to be down here!  Get your butts back to the house!  Tell 'em, Mom!" 

I just rolled my window up and sunk behind the wheel until the bus came.  Thanks again, Caitlyn!  I am going to remember all of this stuff one day when you are the grown-up and I am the kid!

About a week later Jevon's dad, Al, came over to help Jevon on some projects in the yard.  Caitlyn and I were doing a great job of spectating when she looked at Al and said, "Pop-pop, you don't know how to fart, do you?" 

He chuckled nervously a little and said, "Uh, yeah Caitlyn, I know how to fart." 

She looked up at him questioningly as if she didn't believe him and said, "It's okay, Pop-pop!  Me and my dad fart a lot and we can teach you how." 

He immediately looked at me and laughed as he asked, "Where does she get this stuff?" 

"Don't look at me!" I said.


Sunday, November 23, 2008


I thought the Santa Train will be running around 8:20 like it did in the past. Yesterday morning they got me up around 6:45.  I got my clothes on and went into the kitchen and fixed myself a bowl of cereal.  I told Dad to watch the channel 9 station to make sure it was the right time.

I got finished eating my cereal and went into Carlos' bedroom and looked for the paper that had the article about it coming.  I found it and found out that it was going to be in Elkhorn City at 7:30 and depart at 7:45.  I looked at the clock and it was already 7:15. I said, "Carlos, that Santa Train is going to be there at 7:30.  Better get going."  We got going and on our way there we saw the Santa Train on the railroad across the river.

Quick as I got up there I let Carlos out and he ran as quick as he could. The train just had got there. I hit it lucky, I found a parking space close by. I took the bag Carlos left for me to take with me when I left the car.

I got out there just about 30 seconds before they started tossing out the toys and candy. I caught a Dorothy of the Wizard of Oz doll, and picked up some stuff from the ground, which was mostly cereal.

Carlos got a baseball cap with the number 24 on it and the signature that looks like Jeff Gordon on it, a pair of booties, a mouse dressed like an elf, a big sized Ty ladybug and a snowman. He also got a lot of sweet stuff.

Who do you think Carlos is going to give these things to for Christmas?


Giving to the Circle

I checked my email one afternoon and this is an email I received from Clyde that he had forwarded to me from Crystal.. I would like for the StalkerClan to know what a wonderful person Crystal is.  I hope that she knows there will be a big jewel in her crown!


hey uncle clyde,

I don't have Aunt Michelle's email, but I was thinking about the poverty stricken children that she teaches, and I was wondering if she could send us a wish list; or at least the wish lists for the most needy children. Or else, let me know what she needs for the class (canned goods? Clothing (what size)? Sweaters? Blankets for nap time? Blankets to send home with the kids? Brushes? Tooth Brushes?)

We would really like to start steadily sending care packages, and we thought she might give us a good idea of what we could send.

Love you,


Dear Santa Crystal

I write this email with tears in my eyes over the kindness you're willing to show to children you don't even know.  I really appreciate the kindness that you are willing to share in the blessing of providing a few needed things for my class.

Most of my children this year are really ok, but like in all classes I have one or two that needs help.  I have 3 girls that may need some thing for Christmas.

I have went to other parents of previous girls in my class and begged some girl clothes for them to have.  I think I am going to have enough clothes to put 3 outfits a piece in their backpacks to send home, Also, I got donated a good heavy winter coat.

Would you want me to take those girls to the side and ask them what they would like for Christmas?

Or would you like to just send some girls underwear, socks, shoes? or what do you want to do ANYTHING would help

Thank you



You know, I've been thinking a lot lately about my life and what I have to show for it so far (as far as what I've done to help anyone).  I was wondering if , when I die, I will be asked "So, what have you done to help the world?" and what will I say? I have nothing to say right now, because I've been so wrapped up in stupid personal or professional goals that I haven't really seen the forest for the trees.

Anyway, it would really bring us a lot of joy to be able to help some of the little kids who might not be as fortunate as others. Yes, please ask the little girls what they would like for Christmas, and also let us know what sizes they wear so we can also send some necessities.

Love you!



I really will... I will take them aside and ask them what they would like for Christmas, and I may have to make a home visit after school and take it to them. I will let you know really soon so that you can be on the look.

One of the little girls is the one I wrote that story about that wanted the pin that said WORLDS BEST MOM, I think she may have a very slim Christmas this year. I got her a backpack so that she can take her food rations home on Friday that the school provides before then she didn't have no way of packing them home for the weekend. ( She is one of the kids that the school feeds over the weekends).

Thank you so much
Love to all



I think a lot of people are waiting for ways to give back, but just aren't sure of where to start. I know that's how I've felt for a while now.

I think if you will allow, this will become a part of our lives. It breaks my heart to hear that there are little children who need food rations for the weekends. Jesse & I were talking, and we would like to help out regularly if we can with items that your children need. Maybe even once a month, you just send us a list of things (if it's extra food rations, underwear, coats, shoes or socks, or even things that you need for your classroom). God has blessed us with a healthy family and food on the table, so the least we can do is try to start giving what we can to help these little children.

Let me know their clothing sizes and stuff like that. If they need winter coats (or winter clothes in general), let us know now. We won't wait until Christmas for the necessities.
I also work with many people who would be interested in giving as well. Maybe this can even expand into other classrooms if we get enough people involved.

Love you,



I sure will let you know Monday, I will get the children to write their letters to Santa Claus, and see what they want for Christmas. but the big items are the socks, underwear, undershirts for the winter toboggans and mittens ( gloves are awful for kids trying to get their fingers in the holes) .

I can easily slip a pack of sock and underwear in their backpacks and jogging suits they make for good pajamas as well as an outfit they can wear to school. Jogging suits server double duty. Also, baby shampoo for bathing. I am so exited about this. I don't want to take advantage but I am really anxious to put little gifts from Cason in their backpacks.

I read a book once that said "Life is a circle.. what you give out will come back to you"

Thanks Crystal and Jesse for giving to the circle... it will come back to you.


Crystal sent 3 winter coats, jogging suits, mittens and gloves.  My assistant said, "Why don’t you see if one of the girls here at work, whose husband got laid off from his job, would need a coat for her little girl?" ( She is in my class as well.)

I said, “Ok, I will ask her if she would like to come to the room and look through the coats, mittens, and the bag of clothes that I got donated." 

She came and was so thrilled!  She said, “I didn’t know what I was going to do about her a coat this winter.  She has outgrown her one from last year.” I was took aback, I was thinking she had what she needed but she really didn’t.  It just showed me that you never know who needs help!

God has Blessed the StalkerClan.  May he continue to do so for many years to come!


Saturday, November 22, 2008

Birthday Number 48

Today is Danny Looney's birthday number 48.

Hope it's GREAT!



Political Ambitions

Michelle called me a couple of nights ago and said that Jeremy had gotten involved in politics.   He is running for Senator from the State of Kansas.  (I don't know how he is getting around the residency requirement.)   Michelle said the centerpiece of his campaign platform was going to be the development of renewable energy, in the form of wind farms, across the state.  She asked if I could 'Photoshop' a picture of Jeremy standing in front of a wind farm that he could use in a campaign poster. 

Of course I immediately denied ever photoshopping any photographs.  I may have occasionally adjusted the brightness or contrast of an old photograph before putting it on the StalkerClan but I would never fabricate or somehow falsify a photograph.   She sounded desperate so I told her I would see what I could find.

I dug through my collection of Schell Family photos for an hour or two.  After about 500 photos of Jeremy wrestling with Justin, or holding up rabbit ears behind one of his parents, I found  a photo I thought might work.  I 'tweaked' it just a little and it came out something like this...

I thought it looked pretty good so I emailed it to Michelle.  She called me back a little later all upset,  "Oh no, that will never work!  He looks too SHIFTY in that photo.  We will have to start all over.  I'll take a new photograph of him and email it to you."

I have to agree, he does have that Richard Nixon, 'I am not a crook'  look on his face.  But hey, Nixon made it all the way to the White House.  I'm afraid this new political campaign may be worse than the one that just ended.


Friday, November 21, 2008

Friday's Fun Foto #5

Here is another photo from Luci's collection...
Come listen to my story, 
About a man named Ted.

Every time I see it I can't help but think of an old TV Show.
Sometimes it's... but most of the time it's...
CLICK to view Intro. CLICK to view Intro.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Christmas Indecision

I'm still trying to decide what I can give everyone for Christmas this year.  The Christmas Tree Ornaments I mentioned earlier would be nice but they would only be out for people to see for a short time each December. 

I'm thinking now about getting jigsaw puzzles made for everyone...

A jigsaw puzzle could be used year-round.  The little kids could play with it too.  Puzzles would be easier to ship and I wouldn't have to worry about breakage. 

I think I like the jigsaw puzzle idea best.   Should I order the 100 piece puzzle shown or would a 500 piece puzzle be more fun?  Let me know what you think by leaving a comment.


Wednesday, November 19, 2008


On their way back to the feeding ground to eat their afternoon feedings. Jeffery Hen thought the unusual movement might be another egg. "Crystal Fawn won't be a year old till next month," she said to herself.

Jeffery Hen thought she better play it safe and go and find some egg shell and some crushed gravel just to be sure of it. When she got to the place where the stuff was usually kept, several hens were already there trying to get the same stuff she come to get.

Patricia Hen said, "I had this feeling inside me right here and I thought it felt like an egg or something."

Jeffery Hen said, "I had the same thing. I came here just to make sure."

Vicki Hen said, "It seems like all of the hens around here are having this feeling."

Henriette left the triples with Henry and came around and said, "I all of the sudden, had this feeling inside of me."

Before long all of the hens in the community wanted to know what was going on inside of them. The elder hen came around wanting to know what was happening.

Jeffery Hen said, "Everybody seems to have some kind of feeling inside of them that puts them in mind of an egg."

The elder hen said, "It was those seeds those roosters brought to the picking ground yesterday. The ones that everybody liked. I am sure you all got to eat some of them. This happened to me and all of the other hens when they brought them in the last time. All of us thought we were with egg also."

Jeffery Hen said, "Just to come right down to just thinking about it, I don't remember the last time anybody has had an egg."

All of the hens gathered around thinking this was kindly strange.

Patricia Hen said, "The last egg laid was the one we just visited. I don't know anybody that laid an egg in almost a year now. What could be going on here?"

The elder hen said, "We will just have to wait and see."

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Mom's First Manicure (in a long time)

Doesn't Mom look beautiful in this pic?

I had such a great time with her last week. We took a Tuesday and just did a girls' day. I'm so lucky to have such a great mom!

Love you

Monday, November 17, 2008

Front Page News

Justin made the local paper for a good job his daddy did on his teepee.

email from Michelle

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Bragging on the Kids Again

I figure I better get to writing some more before "Ooty-Amber" makes it's debut on the StalkerClan.  What a great motivator you are, Uncle Clyde. 

Now it is time to boast about that "Baby Squirrel"

Caitlyn is only three years old, but anyone who knows her will describe her as 3 going on 30.  She has a charm and intelligence that most people don't obtain until their later years of life, if at all.  One of my friends asked her the other day if she is in school yet? 

She looked at me first with what seemed like a sympathetic look, then back to my friend and said, "Well, I was going to go, but my brother K-K started school and it made my Mom kinda sad.  She misses us when we aren't with her.  She don't know what to do without us.  So I telled her that I will stay home with her for a little bit longer.  That way she won't be so lonely.  We have girl's days when the boys are at school.  One day I will go to school and she will cry.  But I am growing up on her." 

Then she turns back to me, "Ain't I, Mom?" 

My friend and I were both in a daze.  I had no idea she had thought all of that through.  I scooped her up and tickled her and told her she had better quit growing.  She laughed and said, "I can't stop, Mom.  One day I will be the mom and you will be the baby.  Is that what happens, Mom?" 

At first  I laughed at the thought of what her little mind had conjured up.  But then I thought about it for a minute and replied,  "Yes, Caitlyn,  one day you will be the grown-up and you will have to take care of me.  I won't be a baby, but one day I might need you to help me do things, just like you need me to help you now."   

She thought for a minute, smiled and said, "Yeah, I know, Mom." 

I often think about how the roles of mother and child do eventually reverse.  How ironic.  And how amazing for a three year old to bring it to her mother's attention.  I just hope that helping me out when I am old and grey will bring her the same joy that being her "care-giver" has given me. 

Now I don't want any jokes about how often I'm at Wal-mart or how little I'm not at Wal-mart, after this next story.  I have to admit Caitlyn and I are there a lot.  I go on Mondays to get my groceries, then Wednesday with Grandma to get hers, and usually I am there again on Friday when I remember what I forgot on Monday or Jevon sends me on a scavenger hunt for auto parts or something he needs.  So we are there quite a bit.  As a result, Caitlyn and I have made many friends with the employees.  One of which is an incredibly sweet and adorable little man named, George. 

George is completely deaf, but he is an excellent lip reader.  Jevon is actually the one who introduced us to him.  He has worked at Wal-mart for 20 years and Jevon used to work with him when he was 16.  We've all always loved George.  He can understand everything we are saying by reading our lips, but the conversations are very one-sided because he cannot talk.  So I have noticed sometimes how frustrating it is for him when we can't understand what he so badly wants to say to us.  So Caitlyn and I have recently started studying sign language.  We have books and library movies that help us.  Caitlyn has picked it up quite well.  In fact, when we signed to George that we were learning, we were able to understand when he signed back that his nephew who is 3 is also learning.  The excitement on George's face was priceless.  The last time we saw George at Wal-mart, Caitlyn looked up at me and said, "I sure love George!". 

"So why don't you tell him," I said. 

So she yelled across Wal-mart to George, "I love you George!". 

"No," I said,  "He can't hear you.  Remember?  You have to sign it to him." 

So Caitlyn walked up behind George tapped on his leg and began to sign.  She took her her hand and stuck up her pinky as she brought it to her little chest (to signify "I").  Then she took both of her hands and made fists and crossed them on her chest ( to signify "love").  Finally she pointed her pointer finger straight at George with great intent.  Then she ran and hugged his legs.  It was truly one of the sweetest things I have ever seen. 

George picked her up and used one hand to sign, "I love you," back.  As he signed he attempted to say it, "I love you!"  It sounded crystal clear to Caitlyn and me. 

I am always reminded by my children that it truly is the simple things in life that mean the most.  Nothing money can buy can bring that kind of joy to people's lives (and you can take that to the bank).  Thank you, sweet baby girl for showing me the finer things in life.  You are growing up on me for sure, but just promise to never, ever change.  You are my Angel.  I love you!


Saturday, November 15, 2008

Storytellers Extraordinaire

Everyone has been bragging on what a good storyteller Amber is.  I have to agree, she has posted some very good ones.  I guess the only other storyteller I know that can compare to her is Grandpa Stalker.    He's a natural too.  Everyone loves sitting on the porch listening to him spin a yarn.

I suppose storytelling could be an inherited ability.  I've often heard that talent and looks skip a generation, so it would make sense that Amber got her gift for gab from Grandpa Stalker.  


Wait a minute, I just had a thought. 

I wonder...

  • if I took that picture of Dad when he was about Ambers age, and
  • if I put long hair on it, and
  • if I added some eye liner and lipstick...

Wouldn't  it come out looking a lot like...
Oh my gosh, I don't even want to think about it!  I feel so sorry for Jevon in a few years.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Another Anniversary

Today is Erik and Veronica's wedding anniversary.  I should have gotten this story up earlier but I had a hard time finding a photo.  I had to search through 14, 273 pictures of Emerson to find one of them.


Jennie and I are picking up Emerson tonight so they should be able to have a romantic weekend. I expect they will spend it tailgating, going to the Wildcats football game, and watching more football with Bryan and his buddies. 

Friday's Fun Foto #4

Wanna see somethin' funny? Take a hillbilly an' put him in one of them thar bean bag chair thangs. Give him a kan of pop an' a cigarette. Then haf someone yell, "OH MY GOSH, th' house is on fire!"

HELP, I've fallen and I can't get up!

Yo'll see squirmin' an' wigglin' an' arms a-flailin'. Thar'll be gruntin' an' groanin' an' cussin'. But he won't put down thet kan of pop, it might git spilled, cuss it all t' tarnation. An' he won't put out thet cigarette, cuz thar's still sevahal fine puffs lef' on it.

When he finally finishes both he will roll on over on his han's an' knees wif his booty up in th' air befo'e gittin' up an' runnin' outta th' house. Hey, ah said it was funny, ah didn't say it was gonna be purty.

From Luci's Collection (I think)