Friday, November 28, 2008

Turkey Romance

Crystal sent me an email suggesting the following;

I think there needs to be a contest on the StalkerClan for

"Most Romantic Turkey Couple"

... is it:

Me & Jesse,
Mom & Dad,
or Jevon & Amber?


Leave a comment with a vote for your favorite turkeys.


Anonymous said...

Where is Uncle Ted and Bert?? Ok if I have to decide I guess it will be Jeff and Randy., I guess a hen is as close to a turkey as you can get.

Clyde said...

This is hard
Do I give more importance to Romance or to Turkey?
The biggest turkey is Crystal by a long shot. But Jesse is fairly normal, I think.
When I see Jevon and Amber I can't help but think of Fem-i-nems and Lady Turd, but not romance.
I guess I have to vote for Jeff and Randy too.

Anonymous said...

Someone will have to explain this concept of romance to me again. Seems like I have heard of it but it must be over my head.

Anonymous said...

I think there need to be a few rule clarifications:
1. How many times can we vote?
2. Can we vote for ourselves?
3. How many times can we vote for ourselves?
4. Can anyone with the last name "Mayberry" who lives on Daniel Boone Drive ever win a romantic contest?
5. Can a woman named Jeff be disqualified altogether?

Note: if you didn't notice, "romance" is my middle name

Anonymous said...

I vote Crystal & Jesse

Anonymous said...

Crystal & Jesse Fa Shizzle

Anonymous said...

Crystal y Jesse se romántico!

Anonymous said...

crystala e Jesse a romantico

Anonymous said...

crystala e Jesse a romantico

Anonymous said...

Crystal and Jesse are romantic, damnit. All them other rascals aint worth the butt they're sittin on.

Anonymous said...

I pray for all of you people talking about sex and romance. Oot... I told you, we aint gonna talk about romance no more. We done had five kids.

PS Crystal & Jesse are the cutest in God's eyes.

Clyde said...

Are the Democrats at it again?

This is starting to look like the election we just completed where the Democrats registered Micky Mouse and everyone in the phone book.

Of course it has to happen in Florida, no 'hanging chads' this time though.

Anonymous said...

We like Jeff and Randy, it is a lot better sounding the Adam and Steve.

Anonymous said...

I don't get on for a few days and look what happens. I almost lose a contest. I need to get on the ballot and get some votes in for myself and Randy.
I for for me and Randy. We are the one that got it all started.

Anonymous said...

I demand a recount!! I was sick and i haven't been on in a few days. I am convinced some forging has taken place. I know for a fact that Jevon and I would have won any ethnic votes!! Recount!! Recount!!!

P.S. I vote for Jevon and I!!!