Friday, November 14, 2008

Friday's Fun Foto #4

Wanna see somethin' funny? Take a hillbilly an' put him in one of them thar bean bag chair thangs. Give him a kan of pop an' a cigarette. Then haf someone yell, "OH MY GOSH, th' house is on fire!"

HELP, I've fallen and I can't get up!

Yo'll see squirmin' an' wigglin' an' arms a-flailin'. Thar'll be gruntin' an' groanin' an' cussin'. But he won't put down thet kan of pop, it might git spilled, cuss it all t' tarnation. An' he won't put out thet cigarette, cuz thar's still sevahal fine puffs lef' on it.

When he finally finishes both he will roll on over on his han's an' knees wif his booty up in th' air befo'e gittin' up an' runnin' outta th' house. Hey, ah said it was funny, ah didn't say it was gonna be purty.

From Luci's Collection (I think)


Anonymous said...

Did you have that pop and cigarette in your hand on your way down? or did some one hand it to you after you got there?

Anonymous said...

I think that is the same look and same position he was in when he first sat on the skibiscut for the first and last time. If i'm not mistaken he even had a pop and a cig in hand.

P.S. Every year after a trip to KY we would come back to Fl using all the latsest KY slang and lingo and i specifically remember being made fun of at school for saying "pop". I blame uncle clyde soley.

Anonymous said...

What a blast from the past. If any one of us sat in a bean bag today, they would have to get a crain to get us out. Gone are the days of the beloved bean bag. I do remember that we all fought over who was going to sit in it.
I bet if we look long enough and hard enough we might find that old bean bag hidden under a bed or behind a stack of detergent in the basement. Clyde, you have my permission to look first.