Thursday, November 6, 2008

Everybody Wants To Play With The Baby

While all was playing around with the baby, along comes Henietta with her triplets.  She said, "I didn't know boys liked babies."

Jeffery Hen said, "I believe the word  'Play' was what interested them."

Henietta said, "I am going to agree with you."

The mother of the baby chick didn't know what to think about so many being around her.  The baby chick started to chirp in a way that the mother knew it needed to take a nap.  She said, "I better get her in the nest for her nap now. Thanks for visiting, come back soon."

Jeffery Hen said, "Why don't you come and visit the big picking ground. There they can play all over the place."

The mother said, "When she gets a little bigger I will."

Panda, and all of the others said, "Bye-bye baby chick."  The chick just chirped and went into the henhouse with her mother.

When they got back to the henhouse, Jeffery Hen, all of the sudden, started feeling an unusual movement inside of her.


Anonymous said...

Hurray the hen tales are back!!

Clyde said...

Oh No! She's already had Fonda and Crystal Dawn. Let's hope this is just diarrhea, or a stomach virus. Anything would be better than what I suspect is coming.

Anonymous said...

I know who you're referring to, Uncle Clyde!! Watch yourself. Aunt Meaner, I have a feeling this chick is going to be the most wonderful one yet!!!