Saturday, November 1, 2008

Find the Guineas

I was thinking of using this photo for a Friday's Fun Foto entry but it looks like it would make a good game.
How many Guinea Girls or Borneo Boys can you find in this picture?

How many Guineas can you find?
[ Click photo to enlarge. ]

Check off the Guinea Girls and Borneo Boys as you find them...
Hey, I need to go to the bathroom. I think I see one. 
Oh Crap, its Uncle Ted. I smell blueberries. UGGh, Uncle Clyde must have been here. I'm so sad and lonely. 
I don't belong here.  
I belong to a different time.
Pat is the easiest to find.  His coloring makes it hard to hide.  Here he is just finishing off the soft drinks that were supposed to last all weekend, Oops.
The chief guinea, Traci, is peering through some binoculars.  On the lookout for boys, no doubt.  Pity any poor fellows that she spots.
Nicely camouflaged, Chris can be seen here trying to maintain a safe distance from the guinea girls while keeping a sharp eye out for food.
Crystal has just stumbled across the camp's 'outhouse without walls'.  Here she is, trying to clean off her new shoes in some fallen leaves.
Old "Hair and Lips on a Stick" Amber just about completely disappears behind a willow branch. Or is that the sad, frowning girl from the other website?
2 points
5 points
10 points
15 points
25 points

How many points did you score?


Anonymous said...

Hey! That Guinea Chief is not traci!!! Guess again!

Anonymous said...

The one you said is Crystal is actually Mindy Sue !! :) LOL. I like this game already. I'm winning!!

Amber's pointy nose is the only recognizable Guinea apparently!

Anonymous said...

I found them all, I was thinking the same thing as Crystal, If that had actually been Crystal there would have been a frog in her hand. I got them all is that what 80 points or more?

Clyde said...

My Second Mistake

This seems to be the second mistake I have made on the StalkerClan in the four years plus that I have been doing it. Odd that both of them involved mistaking Crystal and Traci.

You may remember I gave Crystal credit for the great wrap-around accomplishment when it was actually Traci who was the champion of the commode. Now I've incorrectly claimed that Traci was the wild woman of the woods when it was really Crystal.

Hey, they are practically twins, they are so much alike. Anybody could make the same mistakes.

Anonymous said...

As I was checking out the picture and reading you answeres, I knew you had it wrong. Crystal always wore the Gator Ts and I know their leg are very diffrent to.
Good game though.