Thursday, October 16, 2008

Good Fishing Spot

During Jeff and Randy's visit to Kentucky a few weeks ago, some of us took a trip to Mount Sterling to visit Luci. Dad wanted to get some fishing done at the pond on Ted's farm so Randy and I joined him. Bryan came over from Lexington and went with us.

When we got to the big pond we spread out around it. Dad and I stayed on the side near the vehicle. Randy and Bryan made their way around the pond across from us. Dad saw Bryan working his way up the opposite bank and yelled at him, "Go down that cow path right there. See that big stump down there in the water. That's a good fishing spot, probably the best in this whole pond."

Bryan starts down the cow path and pretty soon he is fighting weeds and briars. He is wearing shorts and complains that the briars are eating him up.

"Them briars don't bother the cows none," Dad tells him. I don't think that made Bryan feel any better. "Keep going, that's where the big ones will be, down there near that stump."

Watching this, I couldn't help but laugh. The whole time he was directing Bryan through the briar patch, Dad was sitting comfortably, leaned back in a plastic lawn chair, casting his line in the water.

He wasn't telling Bryan wrong however. By casting along the bank there near that big stump, Bryan caught more fish, and bigger fish, than the rest of us that day. It was a good fishing spot.



Anonymous said...

One thing Dad knows is the good fishing spots. We had a really good visit that week. Probably because the guys did their thing and the girls did theirs. If I haven't thanked you before Clyde, I really appreciate you coming down and working on that video for me. And as always Jeff made me feel much better just by being there. The peaches & relaxation therapy didn't hurt either. Love you guys. Gee we are getting sentimental aren't we.

Anonymous said...

I caught about 10 fish in 30 minutes. All the briar cuts were worth it. Thanks Papaw!

Anonymous said...

I love the pictures of daddy fishing, he really enjoys trying to get the big one.

Anonymous said...

That picture is a kodak moment. I can see that one hanging on my wall. And what a thrill to see Bryan on here. Good to hear your comments Bryan. Keep it up. We love comments.
Are you comming down with Dad and Clyde in Jan or Feb? You can't let him out do you.