Sunday, October 12, 2008


Our last trip to Kentucky was a real blast, as always.  Dad always keeps us in stitches.  But every once in a blue moon, Mom will throw us a curve and out-do Dad in the funny department.  She doesn't even seem to be trying to make us laugh, but it somehow happens.

Dad:   When I married your mother, she was just a skinny, sickly, little girl.  I married her and turned her into the prettiest woman in Kentucky.  Now what do you think about that?
Jeff: Well Mom, how did that work out for you?
Mom: Well Honey, ... ( Stopping to really give this a lot of thought.) ...He was nothing when I married him,...(trying to think of what to say next) ... and he was nothing after I married him.


Oh the look on Dad's face was priceless!  I could see he now had something to torture Mom with, and he really played it for all it was worth.  He acted as though he was killed by her analysis of what he had turned into.  I don't know how many hugs and kisses he got out of her,  just by putting a guilt trip on her.

He called her from Luci's and said, "Do you want me to bring you some tomatoes or Nothing?"

She would think about it and reply, "I guess you better bring me both."

Poor Mom, I hope she doesn't have to suffer much longer over nothing.

She was just a skinny, sickly, little girl.

Posted by Jeff


Clyde said...

Surgery Story

We arrived at the Outpatient Surgery Waiting Room this morning and were pleased to find Mom's cousin Emma Jean there. Her husband Virgil was having cataract surgery too. Their son Roger was with them. Harlow's wife Pauline is a volunteer at the hospital and she was with them. We almost had a Looney Family Reunion.

Of course Dad had to entertain them and this story 'Nothing' was one of the first he had to tell. Mom told them, "They tell that on me but that is not what I meant." She wasn't very convincing.

Everything went well with her surgery, and Virgil's too.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update. I called mom and she was taking a nap she said it was a hard day. I think she is glad it is over. That poor old nothing has stayed with her for 60 years.