Saturday, October 18, 2008

Butt Pincher

Yesterday, Cason & I went to Ross so that I could replace a broken purse. As I was in line paying, Cason was sulking on the floor next to me with his head down because I wouldn't buy him a toy. A woman walked by us both, and I heard a surprised, but kind of quiet, "Yelp!" and turned around to see her looking at Cason and kind of smiling strangely as she walked by. I didn't think much of it, but as we were walking out, the dialogue went something like this:

Cason: "That was Crazy."

Me: "What was crazy?"

Cason: "I thought that lady was you."

Me: "Oh, did you say something to her?"

Cason: "No. I touched her."

Me: "What? Like on the leg?"

Cason: "No, I pinched her butt."

Needless to say, I think Cason has been spending too much time out with Jesse. LOL

My Daddy taught me well.

email from Crystal


Anonymous said...

So many memories. When Pat was little he was a challenge to take to church. One Sunday, I had wrestled with him until I was worn out. He finally laid down in the floor under the pew. I thanked the good lord that he had gotten tired and was being quiet. I said a little prayer that he would take a nap for the rest of the service. (What a fantasy!) After a few minutes of listening to the sermon - (A real novelty at that point) - I noticed that the women sitting in the pew in front of me were spastic. One would jump and then the other. I thought "What on earth is going on with them?" Then it hit me and I looked under the pew at Pat. He was pinching their legs. It must run in the family.

Anonymous said...

LOL. I'm sure it was probably around the same age too! haha


Anonymous said...

I figured it was Ted that was the butt pincher. I guess he thinks he would have to pay a jail bill.

Anonymous said...

Randy and I took Cason to church last Sunday. He was so good. He played with a little girl by the name of Cloie. She is the cutiest thing you have ever seen. I ask him on the way home if he thougth she was beautiful. He said and I quote. "No way! All she does is scream like this (He lets out a loud ear piercing squeel) and that is not pretty Grandma!" Whyis it that after the age of about 13 they no longer hear the squeel. All they see is beautiful. I think their ears stop working and their eyes take over along with other parts we won't mention here.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe how much Cason looks like Crystal in this photo. That is the exact expression that got her and Tracy the nickname "Guinea Girls." Is there any way we can get this picture next to the one of Crystal holding the frog? That is one of my alltime favorite photos.