Saturday, October 11, 2008

A Defining Birthday

During one of my recent fishing trips with Dad to Florida, Cameron came over to spend some time with us.

I recall about midday I was sitting in a folding chair at the edge of the lake, watching my fishing line, when Cameron walked up beside me. I saw him check to see which way the wind was blowing and then move around to get upwind of me. I was thinking maybe I had been fishing too long and the smell of shiners and seaweed was grossing him out. But then I heard...


Gosh, you talk about GROSS! It was eye-watering, paint-peeling, nose-burning, stomach-turning, 'Get-me-outta-here', make a skunk vomit TERRIBLE. I saw fish scampering to the other side of the lake, a few jumped out on the far shore. It was AWFUL, a real amplified anal auditory accomplishment!

I told him then that I would get even but he just laughed. Well, payback starts today. I've got a special birthday present in the works. I've been in touch with the MERRIAM-WEBSTER SCHOOL DICTIONARY people and their next edition will contain the following ...

Now I need to get in touch with the State Board of Education in Tallahassee to make sure it is made available to every grade school in Florida. That will be a good start at getting even.



Anonymous said...

Happy birthday Cameron
Love, Sherry, Carlos, Shawn, Grandmaw, and Grandpaw Stalker

Anonymous said...

LOL. This really did make me "LOL".

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday!! Have a great day!!